Though one mom may have been lucky enough to get called to the stage during a Christmastime Pantomime play, her brush with theater stardom may have firmly landed her on Santa’s naughty list after her heckling kid revealed some of her allegedly not-so-nice habits.

The festive fiasco all began at what appears to be a recent performance of “Jingle the Elf's Christmas Magic Show” in Eastbourne, England,  when a leider-hosen-clad elf — who we can only presume is the eponymous Jingle — began grilling one audience member about whether or not she’d be receiving coal or presents come December 25.

“Have you ever told a lie?” he asked the woman, standing stiffly on the stage.

Yet before she could muster a reply, her kid decided to take the lead, getting a little too candid with his newly minted North Pole pal.

“My mom has!” they fired back, prompting a smattering of giggles from the audience.

While the woman clarified that she had possibly told a “white lie” here or there, her milquetoast answer wasn’t enough to firmly classify her as naughty or nice.

“Have you ever used any bad words, like ‘bah’ or ‘humbug,’” the elf questioned her further.

Though it remains unknown whether or not the unlucky audience participant had ever channeled her inner Ebenezer Scrooge, her kid had a more pertinent example of her purported foul language at the ready.

“She’s used ‘for f—k’s sake!’” they screamed back, sending the entire audience — and our elf actor — into a laughing fit.

After several moments, Santa’s helper decided to offer a hand to his now red-faced participant.

“Don’t worry, we’ve all been there,” he said before addressing the audience.

“She said frog, okay?” he continued. “She said frog.”

We can only hope that even after this festive fracas, this kid and their mother will still manage to evade a stocking full of coal on Christmas morning .. for frog’s sake.